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Second Sole Racing, utilizes ChronoTrack disposable timing tags as well as ChronoTrack Live, providing race registration solutions and live race services.
ChronoTrack tag timing simplifies the timing process for everyone involved. The single-use tag eliminates needs for tag collection, staff and organization to collect tags as well as athletes getting charged for lost tags. We offer D-Tag for the shoe, B-Tag for bibs, Bike Tags for Cycling events and Tri Tags for Triathlons. All these options use disposable tags.
Race Registration & On-Site Registration
You can use any registration service but we recommend ChronoTrack Live registration.
Key benefits of working with ChronoTrack Live registration include:
​Custom branded registration with full functionality to support your race
Registration integrated with scoring to eliminate manual data transfer
We can keep registration open to the start of the event
On-site paperless registration eliminates race day hassles
Race check in can be done by dynamically assigning bibs
Social promotion tools and advertising programs to help drive registration.
ChronoTrack Live // Real-Time Online Results
ChronoTrack Live services include real-time online and mobile results, Facebook & Twitter athlete updates, video finishes, digital photography and more. These online, mobile and social race offerings deliver athletes the experience they want while increasing the exposure of your event.
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